The Value Of A Girls Night

If you follow me on Instagram, you have seen me share about my girls nights out.

These are something I do for myself 1-2 times per month because these nights bring me back to me.

And every time I talk about these nights, my DM's blow up.

So much so, that I did a poll on IG asking if you wanted me to do a podcast on the value of a girls night and how I intentionally plan these in a way that leaves me feeling connected, energized and full of so much love.

This was the most popular poll I've ever posted so guess what - the time has come to dive deep into the value of girls nights out.

Because the reality is - we are going through a loneliness epidemic as women.

The pandemic truly changed the way we connect.

I know for me, this year I finally felt ready to reemerge back into the world.

I went from starting my business > to my mom being diagnosed with cancer > to losing a baby > straight into the pandemic > to having a baby - OMG.


Needless to say, these last few years have been A LOT as I am sure they have been for you too.

After navigating the pandemic, becoming a caretaker and having my son, I really struggled with feeling disconnected.

I was operating in full on survival mode which left me feeling alone with 0 fuel left in the tank to do anything.

At the end of last year after my son turned 1, I felt myself gaining the capacity to socialize again which was SO REFRESHING because I am an energetic extrovert who definitely recharges through spending time with people I love.

As crazy as it sounds, one of the things that brought me back to life and helped to remind me of who I was on the other side of so many massive life changes was my girls nights out.

Girls' nights offer a valuable opportunity for us to connect, de-stress, express ourselves, receive support and encouragement, and feel empowered, ultimately contributing to a significant increase in confidence levels.

I definitely felt that and my hope is that you will too.

Today we are going deep into why girls nights are one of the most valuable forms of self care.

  • I am breaking down the direct correlation between confidence and girls nights out (you will not believe these stats I am about to drop for you )
  • I am telling you how I plan my nights and why I am so intentional about who I include (hint - no negative Nancy's or energy vampires allowed at Girls Night 😝)
  • I am telling you the 3 specific things that will KILL the vibe of your girls night in an instant (needless to say - you don't want to do these things if you want to have a good night out)

You want to feel more fulfilled, confident and connected to you?

Start here by planning your GNO with me.

Let's get into it.