Making Mid-Life Career Pivots & Creating Your Fairytale Life

I have recently been getting a lot of questions on how I made my mid-life career pivot creating a business from scratch all while continuing to live my fairytale life.

People tell me they wish they could do the same.

I have good news – you can.


My life is not a coincidence.

It is intentional.

I am the woman who gives myself everything I’ve ever wanted.

You can be too.

I truly believe we are all limitless beings who are 100% capable of having everything we have ever wanted.

Your dream can be your reality.

But a lot of us get stuck believing our dreams and having what we want is impossible.

We talk ourselves out of our dreams vs. talking ourselves into them.

Fear and doubt spins us out and keeps us on the starting line.

I want to help shift this.

In today’s episode, I am offering you the 3 simple steps that empowered me to make all of my personal & professional dreams my fairytale reality.

These same steps also supported me when I launched my business from scratch after spending almost 20 highly successful years in the beauty industry.

I will share with you how I applied these steps in real time so you can start implementing the same strategy to make career pivots & build your fairytale life.

I also have 7 Prompts to offer you that will serve as dream starters to open up the portal of potential in your mind to help you get clear on your vision, what you really want and where to start.

Lastly, I have a quick hack to help you get out of your own way so you can fall in love with the journey as you create your fairytale life vs. thinking you are behind or need to work harder to get there.

Let’s get into it.


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