6️⃣ tips to present yourself with ⚡️CONFIDENCE⚡️

One of the things I get asked the most is “how do I present myself with confidence”. Today – I want to offer you 6 power tips to help you do exactly that. These tips are the difference between: 🔹Being the woman who walks into a room, confidently taking up all the space with energy so powerful that leaves everyone wondering “WHO IS THAT?” without you ever having to say a word vs. walking into a room and instantly looking down to reach for your phone because you feel so uncomfortable wondering – OMG, do I look ok? Is everyone staring at me? Where can I hide? 🔹Standing on a stage with confident authority prepared to slay fueled by devout knowing you are about to kill it because you were made for this moment vs. getting so in your head that you are on the verge of a panic attack, fumbling with your notecards, wondering what everyone will think when you fall apart because you aren’t good enough to even be on the stage to begin with. 🔹Wearing something that magnetizes people towards you adorned with confidence as your most powerful accessory, feeling so secure & valuable in your own skin vs. letting something wear you, minimizing yourself because you feel so uncomfortable while your subconscious discomfort is unknowingly repelling people away from you because they can feel something is off with you. My goal with these tips is to help you: 1. Let go of the idea you need to fake it until you make it (because for most of us, this mindset leads to crippling imposter syndrome and compare & despair) 2. Get out of your head so you are no longer weighed down by the heavy doubt, pressure, insecurity and anxiety that comes along with feeling you need to be perfect or get it right all of the time 3. Disempower the fear of judgement so you can do what you want to do without worrying what anyone else thinks about you 4. Be aware of what your body language is actually saying to people 5. Dress in a way that helps you shine and attract people towards you vs. helping you hide and unintentionally repelling people away because your energy is off 6. Feel so prepared that no matter what situation you walk into, you don’t need to get ready because you are ALWAYS ready. Alright – Now that we have covered the focus of today's episode, I am so excited to pump you full of today’s confidence injection. AND - I invite you to start applying these tips right away. Do not sit on these because the sooner you apply what I am about to teach you, the sooner you begin presenting yourself with confidence. Let’s get into it.