Why your friends can make or break your success…

Have you ever heard the saying “you are the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with?” – Well its true.

And this is why the friends you surround yourself with have the potential to make or break your success.

Some people were not put here to evolve. They are here to remind you of what it looks like when you don’t.

In today’s episode, I want to show you which relationships will help you get to the next level and which ones will keep you exactly where you are at.


Here is what we are covering today:


1.   The 5 friend archetypes that will hold you back in life & why we need to normalize outgrowing these types of relationships

2.   The reasons behind why I let multiple 20+ year friendships years go and why this instantly elevated my success

3.   Why you need an elevation squad & how having this add so much value to your life

4.   What healthy friendships are supposed to look and feel like

5.   Signs of unhealthy friendships and the toll these will take on your mental + emotional health & your success

6.   Why the length of your relationship is not a good reason to stay in a friendship

7.   10 questions to ask yourself to determine which friendships are with keeping and which ones you need to let go of

8.   How you will feel once you let these toxic friendships go

So let’s dive into talking about your friends and see if it is time to lose the weight of relationships that are no longer serving you.


PS: Inside the CAN Program, I teach you how to assign your elevation squad. So many of my clients found this exercise beyond valuable and asked me to create a workbook on this.

I included this inside my free confidence generating toolkit because I wanted every woman to have access to this tool.

If you want me to send you this workbook, message on Instagram @yoursoulmakeup and I will email this right over to you.